
In today's world, communication tools are developing fast and creating quality content. It brings freedom to individuals; people meet in various regions and people according to their own tastes and desires, and share various sections.

When Sharing Quality Content, People Enjoy It More and Share More Content, Supporting the Production of Content Rich from the Platform. This causes people to think life is more positive and happy. They value their free time with help that gives them pleasure, and they are happy as a result of this effort.

This is a media platform built on media blockchain that shares high-quality, supported video content. This will help each stakeholder on the platform to make the parts clear and to reach the parts made easily. Therefore, a platform that will help people share the content they receive and access shared content will always be important.

Now entertainment industry leaders are basically social media sources that broadcast video content. Who would have thought, in this case, that a large amount of annual income could be generated in the world. Researchers estimate that the entertainment industry generates more than two trillion dollars a year, and most of it falls to the United States, China, and Japan. This phenomenon is growing rapidly and year-on-year popularity and demand in the world is increasing rapidly.

With the benefits of logging in to the Enhanced media blockchain network, get consumers to use the platform with confidence and help users share quality and diversity. This will be a major factor in the project that will be carried out by the blockchain chain with its aspects that are fair, just and impartial. The project, which has a very useful interface design at the same time, will be adopted in a very short time because of thisfeature.

 Selecting media, a decentralized media platform, finding video production content shifting from studio to home, and choosing to support and collect content produced by video content producers through fair, transparent and fair policies.

This data is very safe because the blockchain stores all fragmented data on different nodes, all over the world. Someone even got your information on one of the computers; your data will remain safe because only a portion of the data will be on the hacked computer, and that doesn't make sense to the hacker.

Additionally, a copy of the data will be on a different computer, which will make hacking, modification, or changing the data impossible unless you hand over your private key to a third party. This technology makes not only your data but your reputation as safe as possible with current technology, which is a blockchain.

Project Features

Because of their reasons and hard work, developers are trying to fulfill their duty to show the world new technology models from the entire online video industry.

What's more, with Refine Medium content, content creators will be able to start doing exactly what they imagine, namely: they will inspire people and encourage them to love and devotion to certain writers. The Refine Medium platform itself, its tools and functions, aims to help in this regard, which can perfectly combine all the technical and fundamental principles of the "media platform".

With a decentralized structure, media flutes allow users to publish content that is created and make money for the content they create. For this reason, anyone who produces content on a platform has their own media. User, moderator and content producer controls on the platform are available. Because users and producers of content, users and moderators will communicate constantly, work must be done; the decision to be taken will be a product of joint work. So, public media is created, video production is shared, and participants receive various awards.

Say the basics on an acceptable media platform:
First of all, convince your audience of the richness of content and authenticity,
Follow copyright law and download content created for certain fees,
Based on accurate statistical data,
Tokens and prize distribution organized by smart contracts.
nAdd comment text not provided for images

Token Structure


Refine Medium Team

Author : moxx.ndok
ETH : 0x12F17750f92152B0dD6dB58E284232308a8D40b8

Home » Bitcointalk , Bounty Program , Bountyhunter » Refine Medium - Blockchain Technology to Create and Unmark Ecosystem

In this article, Nakamaye will try to explain about Refine Medium. What and how? Let's read it!

What are the main issues to be raised?

In recent years, various media platforms have emerged, the main tasks that were originally arranged to generate revenue, which of course they did very well. However, this market segment is very centralized and the rules of the game are set here by large monster companies, which independently determine usage policies and are responsible for the distribution of cash flows. Here are some of the fundamental problems facing the online media industry today:

1. Creativity or business. Content creators have always been the main driving force in the entertainment media market. They are aware of this and want to receive a fair gift for their work. However, there are always times when the writer wants to get more and for this he starts creating more content, often sacrificing the quality and variety of material.

2. Offer to intangible content viewers. Because of the large amount of content on the network, it becomes very difficult for users to find the right video. The lack of an adequate categorization system precludes easy and relevant searches.

3. There is no moderation of decentralized content. Recently, on existing platforms, there are many problems with copyright. The platform is full of beginners who want to instantly become stars and make money quickly. Therefore the quality is low and copying material from other participants. This forces the platform to create a content moderation system that determines the original authorship of all clips.

4. Illegal manipulation and monetization of user data. In a fast growing industry, users become stand-alone products. User data is stolen, sold and bought. There are constantly new scandals on this topic.

The problem statement discussed shows that the future of online content providers is not very bright. Unfortunately, both writers and viewers are at risk. Only serious actions can reverse a negative trend and drastically change the rules of the game. Fortunately, there are signs that the industry is still ready for quality transformation.

What is Refine Medium? What are the advantages?

Refine Medium is a decentralized media platform where users can create and provide unique services for viewing other users. The basics are centered based on the construction of the Ethereum block chain. Thanks to Blockchain technology, all the benefits of smart contracts are ensured by enabling interaction between viewers and content creators. The main objective in this system is to encourage users to contribute to the development of platforms and to interact, helping users to produce more authentic and richer content.

This platform has many advantages. This includes easy and uncensored access from any point in the world. In the global world, distance will be eliminated. It is also important that users who are looking for content can find the content they are looking for more easily. Because the platform is designed to have a useful structure. This will take part in steps to reduce pirated content in the ecosystem. In addition, unlike other competitors, subscription fees will remain low and users will be given more reasonable content.

Here are some of the core features of Refine Medium:

Save decentralized video content (Fix Media using IPFS protocol)
Users can upload videos and make channels free
Video producers can sell access to premium content
Viewers can support and contribute to creators
Users can receive prizes in return for watching free videos
Anyone can buy premium content with XRM tokens
Advertisers can advertise on the platform and send payments directly to users - including video makers and viewers
Open source software is built on the Ethereum blockchain and smart contract


"Validation, Verification, and Justification of online media together with ledgers that are rigid, unchanging, and safe to build trust in the blockchain system."


RefineMedium has presented a social video platform that aims to bridge the gap between "human" & "being human" because humanity develops forever. There are 4 stages of building quality creators in the RefineMedium ecosystem - Creators with new ideas and raw content, Creators collaborating with RefineMedium moderators to have a positive impact on their creations with a touch of professionalism, Creators who have established their identities on the platform and intend to advance and prosper and finally , A Creator who has achieved enough prosperity and fame and intends to cause lasting change in society and inspire others to do the same. RefineMedium aims to provide ecosystems that naive creators who become self-actualizing. The aim is to reach the top "Refine Rhombus".

The solution

Videos uploaded to the Refine Medium platform will use IPFS, which allows you to store files on a distributed network without a central server or centralized management. IPFS is a peer-to-peer protocol where each node stores a set of hash files. Clients who want to access the saved file are directed to the database with a hash number, where instead of a file search for the hash number is done. The IPFS protocol then determines on which node the requested file fragments are stored and gives clients access to this file. Consider the basic functions that the platform client will use:

1. Storage and streaming. Original content (files or streaming) is broken up into small segments before being uploaded to the IPFS network. This allows you to optimally and evenly use all nodes that are connected to the network without burdening any of them. The hash file is stored in the manifest uploaded to the ethereum network.

2. The use of computing power networks. When a user watches a video on his device, a small amount of computing power will be used. The main part of the resource will be used to mine ethereum points and prizes that provide their capacity to store content.

Also Read
3. Using browser cache. The Fix platform will use the frazer cache to store user account information so you don't have to re-register after each session. It will also store some other information, such as videos that were previously viewed, to increase user interaction. Due to the decentralized nature of the platform, this data will not be synchronized elsewhere. Clearing the cache will result in the final erasure of that information.

The idea behind Refme (Refer me) is to choose content with the highest quality level possible to upload it to the Refine Medium platform. The ability of the writer is greatly enhanced through mechanisms that promote high-ranking content among users with high rankings. This happens through a special tab on the platform's website and is one of the system's main tools.

Token Allocation

Token XRM is based on Blockere Ethereum (ERC20) smart contract. All transactions on the platform are clearly recorded and stored on the blockchain.

Blockchain and tokens are two important kernels that can make payments transparent, anonymous, towards a decentralized video platform, video storage and general user agreement.
Profit Distribution

How does Refine Medium work?

1. Advertiser

Advertisers can upload promotional videos to the platform. Advertisers can set prices per view, then target audiences based on country, city, gender, age and interests.

Advertisers can add their banners or place short promotional videos of up to 30 seconds on videos registered by the uploader for free.

Advertisers can add videos that promote certain products or services to the market with text descriptions, specifications, and prices.

Videos will only be shown to users in the selected target group. Advertisers pay the cost of each view for the platform, the author receives 65% of the amount and the user receives 25%. If users are interested in a particular product, they can buy the product or service advertised in the video by clicking the "Buy" button and paying the XRM token directly from their wallet to the customer's wallet.

2. Content creator

Video creators can upload their videos and set prices on a per-impression basis only. Users who are interested in viewing premium content can pay the fee specified, then immediately they can have access to the video. This allows content creators to sell video lessons at high prices, for example.

Video makers can also make paid channels. Users can pay a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly subscription fee for that channel.

Ads are embedded on every video. Video creators can determine which videos are free to watch, supported by advertisements (not on a subscription basis). However, users can also launch videos as "free advertising" and place a donation button below the video. Viewers can support the creator by sending them an XRM token.

3. Users

Users can watch videos for free without ads. Or, they can help creators through donation buttons, subscribe to paid channels, or watch ad-supported videos.
However, users also have the opportunity to earn money by only seeing advertisements. Users can choose to watch video advertisements uploaded by advertisers. In this case, they receive 90% of the price per view determined by the advertiser
Users can use XRM cards directly from their wallets. They can buy goods and services advertised in the videos they watch, for example or pay sellers with XRM tokens.




Video sharing platforms like YouTube dominate the market. However, they provide a secondary experience for advertisers, content creators, and viewers. Viewers aren't paid to see ads. Creators only receive 40 to 50% of the revenue generated by their videos. And advertisers lose intermediaries. Meanwhile, the Refine Medium platform aims to resolve this problem. All general agreements made directly between advertisers, content creators and users, and intermediaries are not included. Users who view and subscribe to Refine Medium videos will receive between 25% and 95% of the amount allocated by advertisers. 

Creators upload their video content on this platform, receiving 65% of what advertisers pay and 90% of money received as payment from users who view their premium content. Refine Medium provides accurate statistics for advertisers for each ad display. All data is recorded on the blockchain and can be reviewed again by advertisers and third-party auditors. Advertising costs are 20% lower than a centralized video platform. Payments are made directly, without intermediaries and fully transparent.

Find out more at:

Social Network Information
Website: https://refinemedium.com 
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RefineMedium
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/refinemedium
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/refinemedium/
Reddit: https://old.reddit.com/r/RefineMedium/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjkVHV4ifQGushiquG70r_g
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/Gd45-BKEzwRk9YsbmDmgcg

Author : moxx.ndok
ETH : 0x12F17750f92152B0dD6dB58E284232308a8D40b8

INMINING will allow all interested users to participate in industrial-scale Bitcoin mining without having to buy expensive equipment or join a mining group. The project will be centered around Russia's largest data center, which will be built in the Alabuga Special Economic Zone. As a resident of SEZ, INMINING will enjoy significant benefits, which will provide a serious competitive advantage and maximize the benefits of mining.

Although the growth of the Bitcoin market has returned in Q2 2019 after a long decline, the mining company of Bitcoin still faces several challenges. Rising energy prices, lack of technical competence, low profit margins, high taxes, increased pressure from the authorities, lack of locations with the necessary infrastructure - these problems all cause many mining companies to fail and close.

INMINING will solve all the problems listed above thanks to its unique location and chosen technological solution. Very low electricity prices in the Alabuga KEK (only $ 0.025 per kWh), together with sufficient tax and customs benefits, will enable the project to maximize its profits.

At the same time, BitFury container mining solutions will ensure maximum capacity and mining efficiency on an industrial scale.

This project will create a value that is distributed among token holders thanks to an innovative lottery model that will allocate a portion of mining profits among users. Another part of the profits will be reinvested in new mining equipment to compensate for the possible decrease in the level of profit margins in the future. But another part of the profits will be allocated to buy back INMG tokens on the open market and then burn them to maintain the long-term stability of the tokens.

Bitcoin mining:

The dynamics and trends of the 2019 mark the 10th anniversary of Bitcoin. More than a decade, prices have grown by a factor of 2 million. Market capitalization increased 20 times compared to 2013. Bitcoin is traded on more than 400 exchanges, along with 1500 altcoins and tokens.


INMINING uses an innovative approach that will solve all the problems outlined above. Data centers will be built in the Alabuga Special Economic Zone in southern Russia.

Finding the location of a Bitcoin farm in the SEZ will ensure maximum profit not only for project organizers but also for all token holders:

Lower electricity costs:

Although cloud mining agriculture is usually located in countries where energy is relatively cheap (for example, China, Iceland, Sweden, Georgia), they still cannot compete with INMINING for only $ 0.025 per kWh.

Sales are not contracts but tokens, assets that have their own value:

Cloud mining customers must first pay a fixed contract price (from $ 0.5 for 10 GH / s) and then daily management fees without receiving any assets in return. INMINING members, by contrast, will not only get the right to take part in the lottery and win some Bitcoin mined by the project, but they will also receive tokens that they can dispose of freely.

Possibility to join at any time:

Token INMINING will be freely available not only during tokensale but also afterwards, on cryptocurrency exchanges. Likewise, anyone who wants to be an INMINING member can do it anytime. Cloud mining providers regularly stop selling Bitcoin contracts when they don't have free mining equipment available.

Transparent process:

INMINING data center will be built in the coming months, and its location in KEC Alabuga is known. This distinguishes the project from cloud mining providers, who often do not have their own mining equipment.

INMINING a business model

Electricity costs and other overhead costs

Re-investment in new mining hardware - 50% of profits

Buy INMG by burning further - 15% of profit

Lottery among token holders - 35% of profit.

This procedure will have several positive effects:

Maintaining long-term token stability

Increase liquidity and trading volume

Motivate INMG holders to maintain their tokens, which will add stability.

Initial token offer

Ticker: INMG

Standard: ERC20

Decimal: 18

Total emissions: 150,000,000 INMG

Minimum purchase amount: $ 100

Payment method when buying on the exchange: BTC

Allocation Token:

75% - tokens sales

Team - 15% of all tokens are sold but not more than 15% of total emissions

Prize campaign - 8% of all tokens sold but no more than 5% of total emissions

Budget allocation:

85% - Mining, installing and installing hardware, land rent, infrastructure

13% - Overhead, including marketing

2% - Other fees (including legal fees)


Q1 2019:

Begin preparations for data center construction; team formation; negotiations with representatives of the Alabuga Special Economic Zone.

Q2 2019:

The hardware manufacturer's preferred mine, the formation of a marketing partnership, works on white paper and Tokenomik, the white paper that is audited.

Q3 2019:

Marketing campaign, launch of the prize campaign, starting from a closed presale.

Q4 2019:

The main public round, distribution of tokens, registers at the first crypto exchange, start data center construction, purchase of mining hardware, team expansion.

Q1 2020:

Payment and delivery of BlockBox AC, installation and setup, launch of data centers, work on interfaces for lottery and polling.

Q2 2020:

First income, listing on five other crypto exchanges, lottery testing and selection procedures.

Q3 2020:

The first lottery and poll.

Q4 2020:

The first buyback-and-burn round.

Q1 2021:

Buy and launch another mining module.



AUTHOR : moxx.ndok
Bitcointalk Profile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2572354
ETH : 0x12F17750f92152B0dD6dB58E284232308a8D40b8

FRED Energy's goal is to encourage consumers to adopt and promote more alternative energy, and funding research on energy devices (FRED) energy costs, fuel poverty and access to funding and support for energy device innovators is the FRED Energy Some of the goals of Solve.

Increasing energy costs, fuel poverty and support and funding for energy device innovators are some of the challenges that FRED Energy seeks to solve.

Today we see huge changes in oil giants towards automakers and electric vehicles (EVs), and EV driving speeds will become increasingly fast standards. The social and economic changes adopted by electric vehicles alone are the current large-scale electricity and will be the dominant energy requirement of consumers. The electric vehicle revolution plays an important role in the future energy demand of developed countries, while the new economy, population growth and increased use of electrical equipment and equipment are expected to increase global demand by 30% by 2040.

Here we see the larger picture and imagine that the solution to future energy needs is in new ways to generate energy, educate consumers on energy efficiency and bring energy generation to the consumer level. The theory is breaking the current cycle as much as possible by encouraging consumers to reduce their energy costs by producing their own electricity and increasing energy efficiency. This will eventually help stabilize costs and provide cheaper energy and energy security.

We believe that diversification will be the key to our success and the relatively low funding requirements

Project Energize will focus on electric vehicle (EV) charging stations. The EV charging station market is now emerging globally and large companies are investing in key infrastructure, but small independence is needed to meet the niche segments.

Market development for alternative energy. The first time a partner product is displayed, in addition to traditional methods, it includes home and commercial EV chargers, solar panel systems, electric vehicles, consumer wind turbines and other related gadgets with payment options including FRED energy tokens and other cryptocurrencies. It also features innovative products and provides a platform for collaboration on new energy saving and generation methods.

Funding Research into Energy Devices (FRED) made the largest discovery in the world by people with little scientific expertise, but developed trial results through trial and error. Today there are engineers, scientists, and hobbyists who develop technologies that will change the way we produce, consume, and store energy.

The biggest problem they face is that they do not have the resources or funds to fully realize the results of research and bring it to market. Our goal is to create a partnership by working with this technology developer and funding a project that could change the energy systems we know today. We are already discussing some innovations and patents to maximize energy production and storage.

Token information token


Emblem: FRED

Type: Utility

PreICO Price: 1 FRED ENERGY / FRED = 0.01 USD

Price 1 FRED ENERGY / FRED = 0.03 USD

Platform: Stella

Receive: XLM, ETH, BTC, LTC

Soft Stamp: 2,400,000 USD

Hard Stamp: 12,000,000 USD

Allocated funds

10% faster project

Project offer

Energy 55% Research Fund for Energy Devices 20%

Shop.fredenergy 5%

Marketing 5%

Law, 5% of company establishment costs

Road map

Q3 2018

Launching blockchain

Q2 2019

Blockchain Old Fred Nudge Coin MUBAZIR

Q3 2019

Start of closed tokens, company composition and legal requirements

Q4 2019

Create a partnership / requirement for mullaja working on speed project. Research site of EV charging station. Application development. Online market walking live


Start implementing first EV charging station, reviewing innovator partnership

2 to 2020 years

Review project. Exploring the Sources and New Developments of New EV Locations (Small Agriculture)

4 to 2020 years

Start applying modified EV charging station models


EV Station Filling

Project Energizing Project Ener will focus on electric vehicle (EV) charging stations. The EV charging station market is currently emerging globally, and large companies are investing in major infrastructure, but small independent workforces must meet the niche. Based on the Accelerate Project, we aim to implement EV charging stations to meet the growing consumer demand of the present and future.

The global electric vehicle infrastructure market is estimated to be $ 63 billion by 2025, and FRED Energy wants to be part of this new ecosystem.

Additional information:

Website: https://token-sale.fredenergy.org/

White Paper: http://token-sale.fredenergy.org/FREDEnergy-Whitepaper-v1.1.pdf

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheFredProjectOfficial

Twitter: https://twitter.com/energy_fred

Instagram: https: / /www.instagram.com/fredenergyofficial

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnDVuUcUCQPUczoYnJdF4Vg

github: https://github.com/fredenrg

Author : moxx.ndok

Profile Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2572354

ETH : 0x12F17750f92152B0dD6dB58E284232308a8D40b8

We have presented a paper describing some internal details of FRED Energy, as well as some info about how our customers use FRED Energy to provide electricity fuel available worldwide.


Electric fuel developers need to integrate sophisticated protocols, components and services; they often need to pre and post data and react to changes in the real world.

Electric fuel programming tools have been introduced in a number of related countries to provide flexible but easy-to-use environmental requirements for developers to quickly gain large profits.

Building a FRED Energy platform can be a complex task. Integration of various protocols and services is needed, and it is safe and flexible for all customers. Developers need a means to pre and post data processes and mechanisms to alert and react to changes in the physical and online world.

FRED Energy aims

To promote and facilitate greater adoption and generation of alternative energy by consumers and the Research Fund for Energy Devices (FRED). Our green energy projects include entering the EV filling station market in Asia and the EU, accelerating the use of electric switches in Asia, an alternative energy product market that accepts cryptocurrencies.

To provide more flexibility while maintaining ease of use, some systems provide a programming paradigm where the program is a direct graph that connects companies and consumers.


1. Be recognized as a key player in the green energy project on the blockchain and become a brand associated with green energy that targets consumer needs.

2Enter the EV filling station market through niche segments and increase market share.

3. Assistance in accelerating the use of alternative energy and generation by consumers.

4. Be the main online market place for alternative energy products that accept cryptocurrency.

Until now FRED Energy has proven to be a very useful tool for users around the world, to make this tool more useful, we intend to take advantage of increased production itself.

Today we see massive changes by car manufacturers and oil giants to electric vehicles (EV) and EV driving speeds will become increasingly fast standards. The social and economic changes adopted en masse by EV alone will be large, electric current and will continue to be the dominant energy requirement for consumers. While the EV revolution will play an important role in future energy needs in developed countries, the new economy, population growth and increased use of electrical equipment and equipment also contribute to the estimated increase in global demand by 30% by 2040.

FRED Energy aims to promote and facilitate greater adoption and generation of alternative energy by consumers and the Research Fund for Energy Devices (FRED). Our green energy projects include entering the EV filling station market in Asia and the EU, accelerating the use of electric switches in Asia, an alternative energy product market that accepts cryptocurrencies.

Demonstrating the power of the Smart Power Platform

We are delighted to be able to show off our technology through The FRED Energy.

The purpose of this trial is to show the real world potential of our Virtual Power platform to regulate domestic heating and vehicle charging, demonstrating that this platform makes it easy for consumers to be flexible with their energy consumption. This project was funded by the government as the winner of the recent domestic demand side response competition.

During 2019 and 2020 we will work to show how our VPP opens flexibility in our energy systems today. In particular, we will work with more than two hundred myenergi customers to find the best way to value them because they are more flexible in how they use energy at home.

This trial is very promising because of the immediate potential to improve positive results. With the next generation of electric vehicles coming to the market and affordability increasing all the time, we expect the importance of domestic DSR for electric vehicles to grow and grow too.


1.FRED is a consequence modeling tool for Shell, available exclusively through Gexcon.

2. FRED software is compiled in a single Fire, Release, Explosion and Dispersion model that predicts the consequences of intentional product and process release and process design, storage, transportation, and distribution operations.

Its ease of use allows users to quickly understand the estimated consequences associated with incidents for facilities and operations. This gives the user at a glance the blast wave level, gas contour, and heat radiation directly to the location plan.

FRED has continued to be developed and validated by Shell since the 1980s, and has been widely used by companies operating in the fields of oil, gas and petrochemicals, engineering contractors, insurance, and regulators throughout the world. The integrated model relies on a broad and unique program of large-scale experiments, combined with validated scientific research, which ensures the reliability and consistency of results.

FRED can be used to:

1. Preparation and update of safety cases

2. Justification for new designs and operations

3. Facility layout and equipment optimization

4. Pre-incident planning and emergency response studies

5. Domino effect / escalation management studies

6. Accident investigation

7. Quantitative risk analysis (QRA) - with results that are directly integrated into the Shell QRA tool, Shepherd

Info token

Ticker: FRED

Platform: Ethereum

Token Type: ERC-20

Available for sale: 460,560,000 FRED (57%)

Total supply: 808,000,000 FRED


Pre-sale price: 1 FRED = 0.01 USD

IEO Price: 1 FRED = 0.01 USD

Receive: BTC, LTC, ETH

Hard stamp: 3,600,000 USD

Bonus: Pre-Sales - 40%

Round 1 - 35%

Round 2 - 25%


Q3 - 2018

Launch of blockchain coins

Q2 - 2019

IEO pre-sale AND sales since signing, Duchain Fredenergy's blockchain defects must be flexible

Q3 - 2019

Finally sell tokens

Q4 - 2019

Create partnerships / legal requirements to start working on project acceleration. Location of the EV Power Plant. Application development. The online marketplace continues

To get more accurate and accurate information, please visit the link below:

Author : moxx ndok

ETH : 0x12F17750f92152B0dD6dB58E284232308a8D40b8

Rasputin Party Mansion – First ever crypto adult reality show in HD!

Utilizing blockchain innovation to improve organization's coordination. An appropriated record offers the exact following of bundles, the conveyance staff, and much of the customer associations with the conveyance faculty. Cryptographic record innovation makes it simple for organizations to monitor and promote their delivery procedures.

ROC2 and the Rasputin Party Mansion Phase 2
Rasputin Party Mansion Phase2 (RPM2) is a dramatically upscaled and improved version of Rasputin Party Mansion.
RPM2 will be 53,000+ square foot (5000m2) purpose built studio that will house 100 models with 200 cameras broadcasting their lives, live in High Definition 24/7.
Rasputin Party Mansion is currently a live project, functioning as a premium live broadcast entertainment hub giving viewers from across the globe on different levels.Our current custom engineered broadcast studio is about out as a celebration house and homes up to thirty models with their lives broadcast live from thirty five cameras, 24 hours per day. Models live out their daily lives ahead of the cameras and models also perform adult shows from one in all the 5 Live Show rooms. Fundraising via the ROC2 token sale, we will build something that does not exist in the world of adult entertainment.

Rasputin Party Mansion Phase 2
A 53,000 sq ft mega version of the present Grigori Efimovich Rasputin Party Mansion, are a full scale purpose engineered studio with two hundred cameras, fifty bedrooms, 35 Live Show rooms, an 8300 sq ft spa and indoor water playground, outside recreational areas for summer, there were various sound stages for cinematography, customized adult films, full scale broadcast administrators suites, customized animation videos, editing facilities, 360 degree body scanning suites, office facilities and of course models never before seen in areas like party entertainment Industry.
All securely located on an 8 acre plot nearby to the city of Tallinn, Estonia.

Worldwide entertainment
Our functions as a premium live broadcast amusement hub giving viewers from all over the world models on totally different levels. Our custom engineered broadcasts are all different elements of the globe. Throughout the house there’ll be two hundred cameras streaming life within live, in High Definition, 24 hours per day. Cameras are placed in all living areas, rooms and bars, swimming pools, gyms and spa areas, outdoor and hot tubs and bogs all of that broadcast customers.party live photos and audio to our paying customers.
Within the mansion, we even have thirty five Live Show rooms. These live shows are private rooms where our models perform on camera broadcasts to a live audience. Viewers will chat during a public chat area and tip the model at any time or they will have interaction during a personal show with the model.
The Phase2 Party Mansion will have a dedicated film production area for adults, and will order a customized film by their favorite model to script, this can be done for live action cinema and additionally for animated adult films. All of our models can be used as an animation, they should be able to use their own animation, they should be able to use their own voice, as they can, to choose from.
There is a square measure multiple products that can be used as a product, we have 6 products for purchase as well as the Virtual For your favorite models, ordering gifts for favorite models, create your own live action adult movies, create your own animated adult films, direct a live scene, make your favorite model your SIM for a day, buy camera used sex toys, gift purchasing for your favorite model, VR room access party, direct messaging model, model of tipping and more that we are keeping under wraps we launch them.

ROC2 Token - Features of the Token
ROC2 will be redeemable for camera access
1 single token ROC2 will be exchangeable for 90 days of full camera access to the RPM2 platform. 1 token can grant the user access to two hundred cameras streaming in high definition, to the fiat paying for the cost of $ 150.00 giving the ROC2 tokens a theoretical redeemable for services worth of $ 150.00 ROC2 are exchangeable for credits to pay at intervals the web site.
ROC2 will be redeemable for website operations and listing on a liquid exchange for websites that can be used to purchase any products on the site.

Exchange traded tokens
ROC2 are listed on Crypto exchanges with the most attainable initial market listing cap of fifty five million USD. We will list on constant exchanges wherever ROC1 is presently mercantilism and that we will list on three new exchanges. A problem is that we have encountered the attempted to urge ROC1 listed that is thanks to the dividend bearing feature of ROC1, many exchanges who liked our project to be listed as a token.ROC2 is classified as a utility token and therefore exchanges that previously showed good interest in our project will take the token for trade on their respective platforms. The token are listed for trade on the ICO. Sensible contract tokens are deployed on the Ethereum blockchain platform. This documents our outlines methodology, limitations and results for our security audits. Token name - Rasputin Party Mansion Token Symbol - ROC2
Decimals allowed - 10
ROC2 Token Total Supply - 27,000,000
Filename: ROC2.sol
Github Repository: https: / github.com/Rasputinonline/ROC2/blob/master/ROC2.sol
Commit Hash: 3240b5df656addbf8707ce01b8c45f75238f91b9
ROC2 Smart Contract Address: 0x774d3a7B9a5fb33D5525252A275BF440E742b179




WEBSITE: https://ico.rasputinmansion.com/
WHITEPAPER: https://ico.rasputinmansion.com/downloads/roc_wpV1.2.pdf
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/rasputinmansion/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/rasputinmansion
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/rasputin_chat
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/rasputinonline

Author : moxx.ndok
Bitcoin Talk Profile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2572354
ETH : 0x12F17750f92152B0dD6dB58E284232308a8D40b8

В быстро меняющемся мире криптовалюты владельцам криптовалют, инвесторам, аналитикам и всем, кто находится в криптовалюте, важно идти в ногу с современными тенденциями, инновациями и анализом. Абсолютный контроль над информацией - это очень большая задача, если она практически невозможна, существует повышенный риск жесткого взаимодействия с пользователем в мире криптовалют и технологий, который быстро растет, как блокчейн.
В мире хакеров, мошенников и отдельных лиц, которые стремятся использовать наивность других, важно иметь доступ к инструментам, данным, анализу и информации, чтобы последняя информация о текущих событиях появлялась каждый день в крипто-комнате. Информация это сила, с правильными инструментами, вы настойчивы. Но сбор этой информации из различных источников оказался задачей, которая потребовала времени и усилий. Идеальное решение состоит в том, чтобы иметь экосистему, которая предоставляет эти инструменты для всех, от инвесторов до экспертов по криптовалюте или людей, которые только исследуют криптовалюту на одной гигантской платформе, и именно здесь входит POINTPAY.

PointPay создает новый фундаментальный продукт, который объединяет три сервиса в одной замкнутой экосистеме: PointPay Crypto Bank, платформа PointPay Crypto Exchange и мультивалютный кошелек PointPay.
Кроме того, PointPay имеет деловые контакты более чем с 50 банками и 25 платежными системами, а также с 20 юристами, которые занимаются выдачей лицензий на криптобизнес. PointPay имеет 4-летний опыт поддержки функционирования платежной системы, включая подписание контрактов, работу с банками, работу с другими платежными системами, выплату средств и создание сложных схем платежей. В настоящее время PointPay проводит краудфандинговую кампанию по продаже 500 000 000 PXP-токенов для сбора средств на разработку полнофункциональной версии продукта.

Об экосистеме PointPay
Ниже показаны особенности платформы PointPay:

Детали токена
Токены PointPay будут выпущены на основе платформы Ethereum и полностью соответствуют стандарту ERC20. Это обеспечит безопасность транзакций, совместимость со сторонними сервисами и обеспечит беспроблемную и простую интеграцию.
Мягкая шапка: 1 000 000 долларов
Жесткий штамп: 30 000 000 долларов
Символ: PXP (токен PointPay)
Общий объем поставок: 500 000 000
Непроданные жетоны: подлежат уничтожению
Розничная цена: 1 PXP = 0,10 $
Распределение средств и распределение токенов



Для получения дополнительной информации, пожалуйста, посетите:
Веб-сайт: https://pointpay.io/
Технический документ: https://cdn.pointpay.io/WhitePaper__en.pdf?cache=1.4
Тема ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5146099
Телеграмма: https://t.me/pointpay_talks
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PointPay1
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PointPayLtd
Средний: https://medium.com/@pointpay
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/pointpay/about/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/PointPay
Github: https://github.com/pointpay-technologies/sc

Author : moxx.ndok
BitcoinTalk Profile :https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2572354
ETH : 0x12F17750f92152B0dD6dB58E284232308a8D40b8