Yes, welcome to your blog. Today, I am going to present you an extremely interesting and potential project, the aQuest project
The aQuest Building solutions, which control marketing campaigns for high quality systems and on this platform to give the best control to all contributors, in compliance with the rules. High and then after all the participants have finished. This task is received to pay the reward after completing a task. All users are therefore very interested to contribute on this platform, about the task control of all verification performance. it is very good.
Decentralized or App applications are applications that run on P2P PC systems instead of a single computer. Existing applications from P2P networks. It is a type of programming program intended to exist on the Internet in a manner that does not exist and is not controlled by any factor.
Decentralized applications do not really need to run on blockchain networks: BitTorrent, Popcorn Time, BitMessage, Tor for most popular App applications running on P2P schemes, but not on Blockchain as a P2P tool. network. Confronted with simple and rigorous contracts, in the broad sense of the term Bitcoin, which allows to deposit money from A to B, dsApps has a multitude of members from all sides of the market.
aQuest is a special decentralized application that allows you to carry out a given task. As simple as that. It was created by Enkronos. Our credit framework is currently encrypted on a personal profile and is the common property of each item distributed on its platform. The ultimate goal is to receive the AQU token as an internal fuel, creating an aQuest phase based on the blockchain of open records.
Smart contract government is the foundation for creating dApps. Smart contracts are a common set of codes, stored on the blockchain network. We do not need to use designated agents or servers. The code is dynamically executed when it is enabled by pre-custom events. Group code of intelligent engineers using Ethereum systems.
The step includes the goal of implementing the event that generates the current token. This will be the site from: March 27, 2019, the utility token of the AQuest platform used in all exchanges determined by the credit transferred to the stage itself. AQU pursues the standard ERC20 token on the Ethereum blockchain.
AQU will be the best way to use the Quest platform, beyond the trust of ENK. We will specify the estimate of the entire platform. This step will give access to many applications for various computer tasks, ranging from the connection of life on the Internet to research, through customer entries, attempts to introduce Airdrops Name some precedents.
In addition, the connections between individual applications will make Enkronos Apps a permanent point of view on customer information. Target groups: ICO, STO, blockchain sector, financial services, health, manufacturing industry, retail, large-scale retail outlets, department stores, multimedia agencies, .Re.Ca mode, tourism, consumer brand , finance, small businesses.
The Enkronos app will allow any engineer or organization to distribute their custom applications on the platform. They will benefit from comparable, secure SSO conditions and Enkronos API's RESTful API Apps.Enkronos Apps has the tools to help your organization receive very high demands for customer data. Your with pleasure and drawing in the app.
What is aQuest?
aQuest is the latest blockchain project with an impressive decentralized application that rewards every user who completes a particular task. Participants who will join are guaranteed that they will be paid for every simple task they do. All tasks on the Aquest platform are very valuable and there is no concern for participants in terms of payment. Aquest also has a big impact on every company to create an excellent marketing campaign where providing incentives to participants is the main focal point of their marketing campaign. Companies can make surveys, prize campaigns, like Facebook, watch advertisements or do airdrop which functions as a search. Each participant is required to complete the search to be eligible for the prize. Companies can pay participants through the ERC-20 token at the end of the campaign.
Deployment of technology
aQuest high performance for ecosystem control in marketing campaigns because it is deployed with high technology, then aQuest integrates with Enkronos Application and thus allows to create all the quality create creators for the campaign, then with the Enkronos Collection application so that all users and buildings can join other users, then aQuest focuses on controlling the improvement of participation Users must create the best brand in the future, configure and control interactions and transactions also on this platform.
AQuest Features
By integrating with the Enkronos app and then the automation website, we can generate more rewards when performing tasks, be easy to use and learn to contribute to this platform, efficiency and service. high, a clear mobility to use, a very reliable and highly secure control for all users who contribute on this platform, according to all the rewards obtained using tokens. erc-20, and more tasks and more transformations for all users to contribute to this platform.
- - Token information:
- Name of the token: AQU
- Pre-ico price: E003 0.003
- Ico Price: 0.006 ETH
- Platform: Ethereum
- Softcap: $ 1 million
- Hardcap: $ 39 million
- Ico previous: 2019-01-24 - 2019-02-21
- ICO: 2019-02-25 - 2019-04-09
- Bereitstellen technology
aQuest ist eine leistungsstarke Lösung für die Steuerung von Ökosystem in Marketingkampagnen, und mit Hochtechnologie bereitgestellt wird. Dann ist aQuest in die Enkronos-Anwendung integriert und hilft somit, alle Qualitäten von Erstellern in Kampagnen zu erstellen, und dann mit der Enkronos Collection-Anwendung für alle Benutzer und Gebäude, um Benutzern beizutreten aQuest konzentriert sich darauf, die erhöhte Benutzerbeteiligung zu kontrollieren, um zukünftig die besten Marken zu schaffen, und Interaktionen und Transaktionen auch auf der der Plattform zu regulieren und zu steuern.
Durch die Integration mit der Enkronos-Anwendung und auf der Automation-Website können wir bei der Ausführung von Aufgaben mehr Belohnungen erzielen, se und einfach zu bedienen und lernen, einen Beitrag zu dieser Plattform zu leisten, hohe Effizienz und Service, klare Mobilität, sehr zuverlässige Steuerungen und dann sehr sicher für alle Benutzer, die zu dieser Plattform beitragen, basierend auf allen Preisen, die erc-20-Token verwenden, und mehr Aufgaben und mehr Transformationen, und zu dieser Plattform beitragen können.

September 2018 - The origin of the idea of the aQuest platform. Development of business concepts and plans.
October 2018 - Elaboration of the legal model of the aQuest platform in various jurisdictions. Development begins.
December 2018 - Preparation for ICO. Smart contract development for the release of AQU tokens. Private sales begin. Continue development of the platform.
January 2019 - Private sales expire. Pre ICO starts. development of APIQuest. development of aQuest web application. Starting from marketing campaigns to attract end users.
February 2019 - Pre-sale ends. ICO public sales began.
March 2019 - Release beta version of the platform. Starting from AQU wallet.
April 2019 - ICO public sales expire.
May 2019 - Development of AQU wallet
The Team

For more information on the project:
Website: https://www.aquest.io/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aquest.io/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/aQuest_app
Ann Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5094638
Author : moxx.ndok
Bitcointalk Profile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2572354
ETH : 0x12F17750f92152B0dD6dB58E284232308a8D40b8
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